Doing More With Less

In today’s challenging economic environment it’s more important than ever to stretch your
bottom line.

At Metaball Creative we focus on assisting companies and agencies with interactive and event productions so you don’t have to spend valuable time and money only to produce suboptimal results. We fill in the gaps and enable you to focus on your business objectives. Our agility and experience allows us to navigate these technical waters and produce superior results. How? by keeping a small highly qualified organization of senior talent then enables us to…

Do More
With Less

Why The Name

Everything that makes our company the right answer for your creative and interactive needs can be found in our namesake.

Meta – Later or more highly organized or specialized form of; change: transformation. 

Ball – A spherical body or shape indicating constant motion; of ability or competence.

Creative – Resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative.

We provide effective, innovative and efficient marketing and educational solutions with a top priority on customer service and quality. We leverage our staff’s experience and superior knowledge in the arena of web development, custom applications, interactive training and rich media programs focused in the pharmaceuticals and communications marketplace.